Advanced Child Behavior Solutions

Functional Behavioral Assessments

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What is a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)?

A Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) is a type of analysis that seeks to identify possible triggers and supporting circumstances that influence the occurrence of problem behavior.  Oftentimes, an FBA will include analysis of “antecedents” (i.e., things that occur before problem behavior), “consequences” (i.e., positive or negative events that follow the behavior), and “contextual and motivational factors” (e.g., other factors present when problem behavior occurs).  This information about the behaviors can be gathered through observations, interviews, questionnaires, review of previous evaluations, and any data collected.

Why conduct an FBA?

By understanding why a behavior occurs, we can then begin to change the learner’s environment to decrease the likelihood of problematic behaviors occurring and arrange opportunities to facilitate more appropriate responses.  In addition, an FBA can often help guide the creation of an effective Positive Behavior Intervention Plan (see Positive Behavior Intervention Plan Development) that addresses the behavior(s) of concern.

When to conduct an FBA?

An FBA may be conducted when a person’s behavior impedes or interferes with the learning of him or herself and/or others or if the individual’s undesirable behavior threatens the safety of the him or herself and/or others. 

Please contact us at (775) 448-6533 or email us at if you would like to see if we can help your child or student with an FBA in their school environment.